400 Buckeye Street, Rockford, OH 45882

Parkway Local School District

Bylaws & Policies



This policy has been developed as prescribed in R.C. 3313.6020 and the State Board of Education's Model Policy. This policy shall be updated at least once every two (2) years. The policy shall be made available to students, parents/guardians/custodians, and local postsecondary institutions, residents of the District, and shall be posted on the District web site.

Career advising is an integrated process that helps students understand how their personal interests, strengths and values might predict satisfaction and success in school and related career fields, as well as how to tie these interests and strengths to their academic and career goals. Students need to have access to comprehensive resources and support to prepare for their future success. Through relevant classroom instruction, career-related learning experiences, and a program of counseling and advising, students can discover their interests and explore academic and career pathway options.

The District’s Career Advising Plan shall include:



Grade-level examples that link students’ schoolwork to one (1) or more career field.





Career advising to students in grades K-12, which includes age-appropriate activities and also includes creating and maintaining a Student Success Plan beginning in grade 6.






Additional interventions and career advising for students who are identified as at risk of dropping out of school.





Training for employees on how to advise students on career pathways, including training on advising students using the tools available in OhioMeansJobs K-12.





Multiple academic and career pathways through high school that students may choose to earn a high school diploma, including opportunities to earn industry-recognized credentials and postsecondary course credit.





Information on courses that can award students both traditional academic and career-technical credit.







Documentation on career advising provided for review by the student, student’s parent, guardian or custodian, and schools the student may attend in the future.





The supports necessary for students to have successful transitions from high school to their postsecondary destinations, including interventions and services for students in need of remediation in mathematics and English language arts.

R.C. 3313.6020, Ohio Model Policy on Career Advising (ODE) (December 2014)

Adopted 4/7/15

© Neola 2015