400 Buckeye Street, Rockford, OH 45882

                                                                                                           Welcome to PHS 

At Parkway High School, our staff sets high academic standards for our students.
Our staff works diligently to ensure that each child is working to his or her
maximum ability. Parkway High School, the Parkway Local School District and
our Parkway community have a common goal to do what is best for the students.

Office: 419.363.3045  x760  ~  Attendance: 419.363.3045  x779  ~  Fax: 419.363.2596

New Student Enrollment

Select the Parents tab / Final Forms

Create an account to complete and submit online registration forms for your student. The building secretary will be notified of the new registration and will contact you to set up an appointment to finalize paperwork and select classes for your student.

Upcoming Events

Please refer to the 2024-2025 Important Dates link located at the top right of this page.